I Want My Freedom!

 safety gate

Recently while going through some of my old journals, I found the following poem that the Lord gave me many years ago:

The still, small voice inside me speaks,

But do I listen? No, not me.

I go on through my life so free.


No, not me.

I listen to the voice so fine,

To tell me what to do this time.

I go on through my life so free.


Yes, I’m free!

The Word of God tells us, “You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature.” (Galatians 5:13, NIV)

Some people think of freedom as the ability to do whatever they want whenever they want. In truth, doing whatever you desire with no restrictions often leads to tragedy. When our children are small, to provide safety, we restrict their activities. For example, loving parents will not allow their child to play in the street. This is not to keep the child from having fun; it is to protect the child from harm! In the same way, God provides boundaries to keep us safe.

Some have the attitude that they don’t want anyone telling them what to do. They have no desire to submit to a God whom they believe is harsh and wants to keep them from enjoying life. But we have all seen the results of a life out of control. Those who become involved in activities such as drinking, taking drugs, illicit sexual relationships, etc. find that what began as fun eventually brings bondage, rather than freedom. Not wanting to be subject to a loving God, they find themselves under the control of addictions from which they cannot escape.

As we read the Word of God and become familiar with His voice, we find that obeying Him and staying within the boundaries He has set for us will keep us on the path of freedom. Even when we fail and get on the wrong path, God does not give up on us. He calls us back and gives us many opportunities to change our course.

Father, thank You that You have called us to live in freedom and that You provide the way for us to do it. You are truly the greatest parent of all!

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