That Wasn’t In My Plan


We all have plans for the future. For some, they are no more than vague notions; for others the plans are more elaborate and detailed. Whatever plans we have, there are many times that life just doesn’t work out the way we had it all mapped out. I didn’t plan for the first month of this year to be the way it has been for me. If I had been given a choice, I would have asked for smooth sailing. Instead, I have been very busy and overwhelmed to the point that I missed blogging for two weeks. And my plans did not include getting sick and spending several days in bed. Nevertheless, that is what I faced. And then I have spent a week trying to recover and feeling like my head is in a fog because of the medication I am taking—So if anything in this blog does not come out right, I am going to blame it on the meds.

We plan our lives from a human perspective, and we can only really see today. We have a picture in our minds of what we want tomorrow to be, but there is only One who knows what tomorrow holds. I am so glad my life is in His hands. His Word tells me He has a plan for me and that it is a good one. Sometimes life is scary. I think fear is one of the biggest hurdles that I have to overcome. I have to remind myself that the all-powerful One whom I serve really does have everything under control. I am thankful His plans for me are good. I love Jeremiah 29:11, ”For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Things often seem to be chaotic around us, and the future may look bleak, but we have to remember that God’s economy is different from the economy of the world. He can take care of us no matter the situations we face. I am reminded of how the Lord met the needs of the children of Israel while they were in the wilderness. He guided them with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. He provided food from heaven. He gave them water from a rock. And remember the story of Elijah, and the widow and her son recorded in I Kings Chapter 17? God caused the flour and the oil to be replenished throughout the famine to keep them alive. And I serve the same God! He loves me and will provide for my needs as well!

I am thankful God has good plans for those who trust in Him. We do not know everything about His future plans for us, but as long as we depend on Him, we have no need to fear what tomorrow may bring!

Scripture for Reflection

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

Is It Morning Again?


This morning, I opened first one eye and then the other and groaned as I realized it really was time to get up. I am not a “morning person.” Probably the hardest thing I do each day is just get myself out of the bed. That may seem strange to some of you. I know there are people who pop up each morning like toast out of a toaster, but I have never been one of them. Somehow I don’t think there are many people like that. I believe a lot of us struggle. We live busy lives, often don’t get enough sleep, and face discouragement—all of which leads us to want “just a few more minutes of shut-eye.”

Today was particularly hard because I seemed to have an extra weight pressing me down, and I quickly recognized it as depression. Not that I have any real reason to be depressed. I believe this is just one more scheme of the enemy to bring God’s children down. I had a decision to make. Would I stay down or would I fight?

After I dragged myself into the shower, I chose to sing a song of praise to the Lord:  I worship You, Almighty God, there is none like You; I worship You, O Prince of Peace; that is what I want to do; I give You praise, for You are my righteousness; I worship You, Almighty God, there is none like You.*  It was not because I really felt it to begin with, but because I knew it was what I needed to do. Gradually, as I repeated the song again and again, I could feel my spirits lift. I sensed the presence of the Lord. I was reassured that I am not alone, that the One who created me still cares.

God has promised He will never leave us; He will not forsake us. As we reach out to Him and acknowledge His presence, God will dwell in the praises of His people. I want His presence to dwell with me, so I choose today to praise and worship Him!

Father, You are worthy to be praised. No matter the circumstances of my life, You deserve my praise. I worship You. I adore You. I acknowledge my need of You. Thank You for Your presence in my life!

Scriptures for Reflection

I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. (Psalm 34:1)

But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. (Psalm 22:3)

*I Worship You, Almighty God, Don Moen