Lord, I Want To Change!

Do you ever feel that you keep dealing with the same issues in your life over and over—the same problems, the same habits, the same sins? I have heard it described as going around the mountain again and again, just as the Israelites did in the wilderness. We know we serve the One who has the answers we need, but sometimes we feel we just can’t get where we want to be in our Christian walk.

Most of us tend to justify the way we are and make excuses about why we don’t change—until the pain caused by our choices becomes so great that we have to do something about it. For example, it is easy to say, “I know I should make food choices that are more healthy,” or, “I know I should exercise,” but if you haven’t felt the pain yet of getting on the scales and seeing the number go ever higher, or you haven’t really looked in the mirror and seen a body you wish were not yours, then you are willing to continue in your old, familiar habits.

Usually, it is only when our actions produce misery that we are willing to take a good look at ourselves and realize it is time to make some changes. A few years ago, I became very unhappy about my weight. As long as my desire to overeat was greater than my desire to change, I made unhealthy choices, but I came to the point that my unhappiness with my body caused me to make the changes necessary to lose the extra pounds. (I am sorry to say that I have not been entirely successful in maintaining my desired weight. This is one of the mountains I keep going around over and over again. The sad truth is that I went back to some of my unhealthy habits once again.)

After much praying, study and contemplation, I have come to believe that our basic problem is that we have been deceived into believing the enemy’s lies. These can range from, “Your habit is not so bad,” to “You are a horrible person because of this habit, and you can never change.”  Either way, when we believe a lie, that is what we live by. Our actions are produced by our beliefs. In order to make changes in our lives, we have to change our beliefs. And remember, it is not what you believe in your head that matters; it is what you believe in your heart.

How do we change what we believe?  We have to replace the lies with truth.  Where do we find truth?  In the Word of God.  No matter what lie the enemy throws at you, you can find the opposite (truth) in the Bible. If he tells you that you can never change, you can answer, according to Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” If he tells you that you are no good and you will never amount to anything, you can say, “God has given unto me all things that pertain unto life and godliness, and I am a partaker of His divine nature,” and “He who began a good work in me will complete it until the day of Christ.” (2 Peter 1:3-4; Philippians 1:6)

Satan and his forces of darkness are continually bombarding our minds with negative thoughts. In order to combat those thoughts, we must constantly keep our mind renewed with the Word of God. Just reading a little devotion in the morning and then forgetting about it the rest of the day probably won’t do much good. But if we saturate ourselves in the Word, and let it become a part of us, then our beliefs will change, and we will be able to make our stand against the attacks of the enemy. The Word tells us, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32)  It is when we know the truth in our hearts and act on the truth that our lives will change.

Father, help me to get the beliefs that line up with Your Word from my head to my heart. Help me to live out what I know is true.

Scripture for Reflection

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Romans 12:2)


Suzie Price said...

Tammy this article is so very true. So many times we go around the mountain over and over, year after year! From this day forward, I choose to change and walk into what God has for my life!

Unknown said...

Tammy, every time you post on your blog, it is such a timely and meaningful message for me personally. I am so grateful for your time and efforts here. These postings bring me much needed knowledge and comfort. I thank God for you every day! Take care!

Anonymous said...

That was beautiful

Really moved me and made me feel better.

God bless!