For Such A Time As This

DavidThis post is written by my brother, David.  I am so proud of him and his walk with the Lord.

There are many times I sit and ponder the things that have happened in my life….both the good and the bad.  I wonder what it all means and why does God allow all this to take place?  Why am I blessed in so many ways?  Why do I go through all the adversity that I do? 

A scripture comes to mind… ‘and who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this.’ Esther 4:14b (NIV).  I have to realize that God has a much bigger plan than I, and I am only a small instrument in His plan.  The things I go through, good and bad, are all meant to move me to the place God can use me best. 

Moses was son of a pharaoh.  He was later a lowly shepherd for his father-in-law.  But God used him as an instrument to get the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt.  Esther was a Jew who became a queen in Medo-Persia.  God used her to spare the Jews living there from deadly prejudice.  However, Stephen was simply a local church leader who happened to be stoned to death in front of a man named Saul (later to become Paul). 

I have helped people through adversities before, all the while wondering why God was allowing all of this bad to happen to them—only to find out later that these same people encountered someone else going through similar circumstances which they counseled them through. 

In this life we may never know all that God is working in places we are not even aware.  If I go through the challenges and glories of this life, and from these happenings God can bring one sinner to His fold, is it not worth it?  We hear God’s heart from His Word… ‘Not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.’  II Pet 3:9b

Father in Heaven, help me to see the trials in my life as opportunities for me to grow in You.  Help me not to be proud when blessings fall on me, but rather to see the real purpose in Your giving them to me.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

1 comment:

sandy said...

What a great message. Gods people are so special. It is amazing to just see his powers working each and every day