Stepping Out

But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. (I Cor. 12:18)

Isn’t it amazing that we imperfect, finite human beings are in the habit of telling the awesome and all-knowing God of the universe that we know more than He does. Oh, we don’t necessarily say it in words, but by our actions, we declare that we know more about who we are and the life we are supposed to live than He does. How arrogant we are!

Each of us was created with a specific destiny, and we have God-given gifts to help us accomplish His purposes. However, many of us spend years trying to fit ourselves into molds that were not made for us.

One of my brothers is a very talented musician who is using his gifts for the Lord. There have been times that I have earnestly questioned God about why He gave him that ability instead of me. After all, didn’t the Lord know I would be a pastor’s wife and that my having musical ability would benefit my husband and the church? But God has shown me that He has a different plan for my life, and it has taken me a long time to surrender to His will.

When you come to the place of full surrender to God’s will, rather than frantically trying to work out your own plan, you gain a sense of purpose that you did not have before. Even in the midst of questions regarding the details of what lies ahead, there is a calmness that holds you steady as you step out into the unknown.

After our God calls us, He does not leave us alone. He equips us to do what we have been called to do. Thank God for His Spirit who indwells us! As we live for and trust Him, God’s Spirit continually stays with us and guides us, and we never need to fear the future.

Father, thank You for Your indwelling Spirit who guides us and empowers us to live our lives according to Your plan. Help us each day to submit to Your will in all things.

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